 Information about the journal (holdings, passwords, etc.)
There are 50 journals that meet your search criteria.
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Formerly known as: Biophysik | Online Access: 1.1963 - | e-ISSN: 1432-2099 | | Abbr.: Radiat Environ Biophys | Publisher: Springer | IF: 1.925 |
Radiation Oncology (Open Access)
Radiation Oncology Journal
Formerly known as: Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology | Online Access: 26.2008 - | e-ISSN: 2234-1356 | | Abbr.: Radiat Oncol J | Publisher: The Korean Society for Radiation Oncology | IF: 0.000 |
Radiation Physics and Chemistry
Formerly known as: International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part C, Radiation Physics and Chemistry | Online Access: 41.1993 - 71.2004 | e-ISSN: 1879-0895 | | Abbr.: Radiat Phys Chem Oxf Engl 1993 | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 2.858 |
Radiation Physics and Chemistry (1977)
Formerly known as: (1) ... Continued as: (2) (1) International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry ... (2) International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part C, Radiation Physics and Chemistry | Online Access: 9.1977 - 26.1985 | p-ISSN: 0146-5724 | | Abbr.: Radiat Phys Chem | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 0.000 |
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
Online Access: 1.1981 - Free after 1 yr | e-ISSN: 1527-1323 | | Abbr.: Radiographics | Publisher: Radiological Society of North America | IF: 5.333 |
Online Access: 250.2009 - Free after 1 yr | e-ISSN: 1527-1315 | | Abbr.: Radiology | Publisher: Radiological Society of North America | IF: 11.105 |
Radiology and Oncology (Open Access)
Radiotherapy and Oncology
Rare Tumors (Open Access)
Recent Progress in Hormone Research
Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics
Regulatory Peptides
Rejuvenation Research
Formerly known as: Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine | Online Access: 1.1998 - 8.2005 | e-ISSN: 1557-8984 | | Abbr.: Rejuvenation Res | Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert | IF: 4.663 |
Formerly known as: Journal of Reproduction and Fertility as well as Reviews of reproduction | Online Access: 1.1960 - Free after 1 yr | e-ISSN: 1741-7899 | | Abbr.: Reproduction | Publisher: Society for Reproduction and Fertility | IF: 3.906 |
Reproduction, Nutrition, Development (Open Access)
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (Open Access)
Reproductive Health (Open Access)
Reproductive, Female and Child Health (Open Access)
Research in Developmental Disabilities
Incorporating: Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities as well as Applied Research in Mental Retardation | Online Access: 8.1987 - 23.2002 | e-ISSN: 0891-4222 | | Abbr.: Res Dev Disabil | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 3.230 |
Research in Experimental Medicine
Formerly known as: (1) ... Incorporated into: (2) (1) Zeitschrift für die gesamte experimentelle Medizin einschließlich experimentelle Chirurgie ... (2) Clinical and Experimental Medicine | Online Access: 1.1913 - 200.2001 | e-ISSN: 1433-8580 | | Abbr.: Res Exp Med (Berl) | Publisher: Springer | IF: 0.000 |
Research in Immunology
Research in Microbiology
Research in Virology
Research Policy
Respiration - International Journal of Thoracic Diseases
Formerly known as: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose (und Pneumologie) as well as Medicina thoracalis | Online Access: 65.1998 - Free after 1 yr, no access to 2010 | e-ISSN: 1423-0356 | | Abbr.: Respiration | Publisher: Karger | IF: 3.580 |
Respiration Physiology
Respiratory Medicine
Formerly known as: British Journal of Diseases of the Chest | Online Access: 83.1989 - Free after 2 yrs | e-ISSN: 0954-6111 | | Abbr.: Respir Med | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 3.415 |
Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology
Respiratory Research (Open Access)
Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
Retrovirology (Open Access)
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Review of Diabetic Studies, The (RDS)
Online Access: 1.2004 - Free after 1 yr | e-ISSN: 1614-0575 | | Abbr.: Rev Diabet Stud | Publisher: Society for Biomedical Diabetes Research | IF: 0.000 |
Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology (Sect. of Journal of Biotechnology)
Reviews of Infectious Diseases
Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Formerly known as: Ergebnisse der Physiologie, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie | Print Stock: (70.1975 - 161.2007 komplett ausgesondert) (Series) | p-ISSN: 0303-4240 | Shelf Mark: 52.13 | Abbr.: Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol | Publisher: Springer | IF: 5.545 |
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator = Romanian Journal of Laboratory Medicine (Open Access)
Revue de l'Institut International de Statistique = Review of the International Statistical Institute
Rheologica Acta
Formerly known as: Annals of Physical Medicine / Rheumatology as well as Physical Medicine / Rheumatology as well as Rehabilitation / British Journal of Rheumatology | Online Access: 1.1952 - | e-ISSN: 1462-0332 | | Abbr.: Rheumatology (Oxford) | Publisher: Oxford University Press | IF: 7.580 |
Rheumatology International
RIC Reviews (Royal Institute of Chemistry Reviews)
Formerly known as: (1) ... Continued as: (2) (1) Quarterly Reviews, Chemical Society ... (2) Chemical Society Reviews | Online Access: 1.1968 - 4.1971 | p-ISSN: 0035-8940 | | Abbr.: RIC Rev | Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | IF: 0.000 |
Online Access: 1.1995 - | e-ISSN: 1469-9001 | | Print Stock: (4.1998 - 12.2006 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1355-8382 | Shelf Mark: 53.58 | Abbr.: RNA | Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press | IF: 4.942 |
RNA Biology
RNAi Gateway (Open Access)
| Publisher: Biomed Central | IF: 0.000 |
RöFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren
Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases (Open Access)
RSC Advances (Open Access)
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