 Information about the journal (holdings, passwords, etc.)
There are 133 journals that meet your search criteria.
Nano Letters
National Mathematics Magazine
Natural Immunity
Incorporating: Nature New Biology as well as Nature Physical Sciences | Online Access: 1.1869 - | e-ISSN: 1476-4687 | | Print Stock: (169.1952 - 492.2012 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 0028-0836 | Shelf Mark: 10.22 | Abbr.: Nature | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 49.962 |
Nature Biomedical Engineering
Nature Biotechnology
Formerly known as: Bio-Technology | Online Access: 1.1983 - | e-ISSN: 1546-1696 | | Print Stock: (14.1996 -24.2006 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1087-0156 | Shelf Mark: 10.26 | Abbr.: Nat Biotechnol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 54.908 |
Nature Cell Biology
Online Access: 1.1999 - | e-ISSN: 1476-4679 | | Print Stock: (1.1999 - 9.2007 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1465-7392 | Shelf Mark: 10.28 | Abbr.: Nat Cell Biol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 28.824 |
Nature Chemical Biology
Nature Chemistry
Nature Communications (Open Access)
Nature Energy
Nature Genetics
Online Access: 1.1992 - | e-ISSN: 1546-1718 | | Print Stock: (1.1992 - 41.2009 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1061-4036 | Shelf Mark: 10.24 | Abbr.: Nat Genet | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 38.330 |
Nature Immunology
Online Access: 1.2000 - | e-ISSN: 1529-2916 | | Print Stock: (1.2000 - 8.2007 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1529-2908 | Shelf Mark: 10.29 | Abbr.: Nat Immunol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 25.606 |
Nature Materials
Nature Medicine
Online Access: 1.1995 - | e-ISSN: 1546-170X | | Print Stock: (1.1995 - 13.2007 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1078-8956 | Shelf Mark: 10.23 | Abbr.: Nat Med | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 53.440 |
Nature Methods
Nature Microbiology
Nature Nanotechnology
Nature Neuroscience
Online Access: 1.1998 - | e-ISSN: 1546-1726 | | Print Stock: (1.1998 - 10.2007 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1097-6256 | Shelf Mark: 10.27 | Abbr.: Nat Neurosci | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 24.884 |
Nature New Biology
Incorporated into: Nature (1974) | Online Access: 229.1971 - | | | Print Stock: 239.1972 - 246.1973 | p-ISSN: 0090-0028 | Shelf Mark: 10.22 | Abbr.: Nat New Biol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 0.000 |
Nature Omics Gateway
| Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 0.000 |
Nature Photonics
Nature Physical Sciences
Incorporated into: Nature (1974) | Online Access: 229.1971 - | e-ISSN: 1476-4687 | | Print Stock: 241.1973 - 246.1973 | p-ISSN: 0300-8746 | Shelf Mark: 10.22 | Abbr.: Nature Phys Sci | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 0.000 |
Nature Physics
Nature Protocols
Nature Reviews Cancer
Online Access: 1.2001 - | e-ISSN: 1474-1768 | | Print Stock: (1.2001 - 6.2006 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1474-175X | Shelf Mark: 10.36 | Abbr.: Nat Rev Cancer | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 60.716 |
Nature Reviews Cardiology
Formerly known as: Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine | Online Access: 1.2004 - | e-ISSN: 1759-5010 | | Abbr.: Nat Rev Cardiol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 32.419 |
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
Formerly known as: Nature Clinical Practice Oncology | Online Access: 1.2004 - | e-ISSN: 1759-4782 | | Abbr.: Nat Rev Clin Oncol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 66.675 |
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
Nature Reviews Endocrinology
Formerly known as: Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism | Online Access: 1.2005 - | e-ISSN: 1759-5037 | | Abbr.: Nat Rev Endocrinol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 43.330 |
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Formerly known as: Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology and Hepatology | Online Access: 1.2004 - | e-ISSN: 1759-5053 | | Abbr.: Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 46.802 |
Nature Reviews Genetics
Online Access: 1.2000 - | e-ISSN: 1471-0064 | | Print Stock: (1.2000 - 7.2006 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1471-0056 | Shelf Mark: 10.21 | Abbr.: Nat Rev Genet | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 53.242 |
Nature Reviews Immunology
Online Access: 1.2001 - | e-ISSN: 1474-1741 | | Print Stock: (1.2001 - 6.2006 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1474-1733 | Shelf Mark: 10.33 | Abbr.: Nat Rev Immunol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 53.106 |
Nature Reviews Materials
Nature Reviews Microbiology
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Online Access: 1.2000 - | e-ISSN: 1471-0080 | | Print Stock: (1.2000 - 7.2006 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1471-0072 | Shelf Mark: 10.30 | Abbr.: Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 94.444 |
Nature Reviews Nephrology
Formerly known as: Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology | Online Access: 1.2005 - | e-ISSN: 1759-507X | | Abbr.: Nat Rev Nephrol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 28.314 |
Nature Reviews Neurology
Formerly known as: Nature Clinical Practice Neurology | Online Access: 1.2005 - | e-ISSN: 1759-4766 | | Abbr.: Nat Rev Neurol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 42.937 |
Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Online Access: 1.2000 - | e-ISSN: 1471-0048 | | Print Stock: (2.2001 - 3.2002 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1471-003X | Shelf Mark: 10.35 | Abbr.: Nat Rev Neurosci | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 34.870 |
Nature Reviews Rheumatology
Formerly known as: Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology | Online Access: 1.2005 - | e-ISSN: 1759-4804 | | Abbr.: Nat Rev Rheumatol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 20.543 |
Nature Reviews Urology
Formerly known as: Nature Clinical Practice Urology | Online Access: 1.2004 - | e-ISSN: 1759-4820 | | Abbr.: Nat Rev Urol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 14.432 |
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
Formerly known as: Nature Structural Biology | Online Access: 1.1994 - | e-ISSN: 1545-9985 | | Print Stock: (1.1994 - 12.2005 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1545-9993 | Shelf Mark: 10.25 | Abbr.: Nat Struct Mol Biol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 15.369 |
Nature Structural Biology
Continued as: Nature Structural and Molecular Biology | Online Access: 1.1994 - 10.2003 | | | Print Stock: 1.1994 - 10.2003 | p-ISSN: 1072-8368 | Shelf Mark: 10.25 | Abbr.: Nat Struct Biol | Publisher: Nature Publishing Group | IF: 0.000 |
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
Print Stock: (2.1949 - 58.2005 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 0028-1050 | Shelf Mark: 10.15 | Abbr.: Naturwiss Rundsch | Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft | IF: 0.000 |
Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology
Formerly known as: Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für Pharmakologie; Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für Pharmakologie und experimentelle Pathologie; Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie; Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie | Online Access: 1.1873 - | e-ISSN: 1432-1912 | | Print Stock: (215.1952 - 362.2000 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 0028-1298 | Shelf Mark: 61.12 | Abbr.: Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol | Publisher: Springer | IF: 3.000 |
Formerly known as: Biology of the Neonate as well as Biologia Neonatorum | Online Access: 73.1998 - Free after 6 months, no access to 2010 | e-ISSN: 1661-7819 | | Abbr.: Neonatology | Publisher: Karger | IF: 4.035 |
Neoplasia : An International Journal for Oncology Research (Open Access)
Nephro-urology monthly (Open Access)
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT)
Nephron Clinical Practice
Sub journal of: Nephron | Online Access: 93.2003 - Free after 1 yr, no access to 2010 | p-ISSN: 1660-2110 | | Abbr.: Nephron Clin Pract | Publisher: Karger | IF: 0.000 |
Nephron Experimental Nephrology
Formerly known as: (1) ... Sub journal of: (2) (1) Experimental Nephrology ... (2) Nephron | Online Access: 6.1998 - Free after 1 yr, no access to 2010 | p-ISSN: 1660-2129 | | Abbr.: Nephron Exp Nephrol | Publisher: Karger | IF: 0.000 |
Nephron Extra (Open Access)
Nephron Physiology
Sub journal of: Nephron | Online Access: 93.2003 - Free after 1 yr, no access to 2010 | p-ISSN: 1660-2137 | | Abbr.: Nephron Physiol | Publisher: Karger | IF: 0.000 |
Netherlands Journal of Medicine
Network: Computation in Neural Systems
Neural Development (Open Access)
Neural Networks
Neural Systems and Circuits (Open Access)
Neuroanatomy (Open Access)
Neurobiology of Aging
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Formerly known as: Behavioral and Neural Biology | Online Access: 63.1995 - 78.2002 | e-ISSN: 1095-9564 | | Abbr.: Neurobiol Learn Mem | Publisher: Elsevier / Academic Press | IF: 2.877 |
Neurochemical Research
Neurochemistry International
Incorporated into: Experimental Neurology | Online Access: 4.1995 - 5.1996 | e-ISSN: 1055-8330 | | Abbr.: Neurodegeneration | Publisher: Elsevier / Academic Press | IF: 0.000 |
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Neuroembryology and aging
Has been ceased ... Formerly known as: Neuroembryology | Online Access: 1.2002 - 5.2008 | e-ISSN: 1661-3414 | | Abbr.: Neuroembryol Aging | Publisher: Karger | IF: 0.000 |
Online Access: 67.1998 - Free after 6 months, no access to 2010 | e-ISSN: 1423-0194 | | Abbr.: Neuroendocrinology | Publisher: Karger | IF: 4.914 |
Online Access: 17.1998 - Free after 6 months, no access to 2010 | e-ISSN: 1423-0208 | | Abbr.: Neuroepidemiology | Publisher: Karger | IF: 3.282 |
Online Access: 9.2003 - 4 latest volumes not available | | | Print Stock: (1.1995 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 0947-0875 | Shelf Mark: 62.32 | Abbr.: Neuroform | Publisher: Spektrum Akademie | IF: 0.000 |
Online Access: 5.1998 - Free after 6 months, no access to 2010 | e-ISSN: 1423-0216 | | Abbr.: Neuroimmunomodulation | Publisher: Karger | IF: 2.492 |
Neurointervention (Open Access)
Online Access: 1.2006 - | e-ISSN: 2233-6273 | | Abbr.: Neurointervention | Publisher: Korean Society of Interventional Neuroradiolgy | IF: 0.000 |
Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica (1959 - 1973) (Open Access)
Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica (1991 - 1999) (Open Access)
Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica (1994 -) (Open Access)
Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica. Part I (1974 - 1978) (Open Access)
Neurological Sciences
Formerly known as: Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences | Online Access: 1.1979 - | e-ISSN: 1590-3478 | | Abbr.: Neurol Sci | Publisher: Springer | IF: 3.307 |
Neurologist (via Ovid)
Neurology International (Open Access)
Neurology Research International (Open Access)
Neuromethods (Springer Protocols)
Neuromuscular Disorders
Online Access: 1.1988 - | e-ISSN: 1097-4199 | | Print Stock: (10.1993 - 48.2005 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 0896-6273 | Shelf Mark: 62.31 | Abbr.: Neuron | Publisher: Cell Press | IF: 17.173 |
Neuronal Signaling (Open Access)
| Publisher: Biochemical Society / Portland Press | IF: 0.000 |
Formerly known as: International Journal of Neuropharmacology | Online Access: 9.1970 - 47.2004 | e-ISSN: 1873-7064 | | Abbr.: Neuropharmacology | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 5.250 |
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment (Open Access)
Online Access: 1.2005 - | e-ISSN: 1178-2021 | | Abbr.: Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat | Publisher: Dove Medical Press (Albany, Auckland) | IF: 2.570 |
Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology (via Ovid)
Continued as: Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology | Online Access: 1.1988 - 15.2002 | p-ISSN: 0894-878X | | Abbr.: Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol Behav Neurol | Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | IF: 0.000 |
Online Access: 37.1998 - Free after 1 yr, no access to 2010 | e-ISSN: 1423-0224 | | Abbr.: Neuropsychobiology | Publisher: Karger | IF: 2.328 |
Neuropsychology Review
Neurorehabilitation (1991-)
NeuroReport (via Ovid)
Online Access: 1.1976 - 367.2017 | e-ISSN: 0306-4522 | | Print Stock: (52.1993 - 108.2001 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 0306-4522 | Shelf Mark: 63.59 | Abbr.: Neuroscience | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 3.590 |
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Neuroscience Letters
Online Access: 1.1975 - 373(1).2004 | e-ISSN: 0304-3940 | | Print Stock: (148.1992 - 279.2000 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 0304-3940 | Shelf Mark: 63.60 | Abbr.: Neurosci Lett | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 3.046 |
Neuroscience Research
Incorporating: Neuroscience Research Supplements | Online Access: 1.1984 - 125.2017 Free after 1 yr | e-ISSN: 0168-0102 | | Abbr.: Neurosci Res | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 3.304 |
Neuroscience Research Supplements
NeuroSignals (Open Access)
Formerly known as: Biological Signals and Receptors | Online Access: 7.1998 - | e-ISSN: 1424-8638 | | Abbr.: Neurosignals | Publisher: Karger | IF: 0.000 |
Neurosurgery Quarterly (via Ovid)
Neurosurgical Review
Formerly known as: NeuroRx | Online Access: 1.2004 - | e-ISSN: 1878-7479 | | Abbr.: Neurotherapeutics | Publisher: Springer | IF: 7.620 |
New Comprehensive Biochemistry
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
Formerly known as: New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery and Collateral Branches of Science as well as New England Medical Review and Journal as well as Boston Medical and Surgical Journal | Online Access: 322.1990 - | e-ISSN: 1533-4406 | | Print Stock: (328.1993 - 355.2006 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 0028-4793 | Shelf Mark: 60.49 | Abbr.: N Engl J Med | Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society | IF: 91.245 |
New Ideas in Psychology
New Journal of Chemistry
Online Access: 22.1998 - Free after 3 yrs | e-ISSN: 1369-9261 | | Abbr.: New J Chem | Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | IF: 3.591 |
Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry
Online Access: 1.1997 - 13.2005 | e-ISSN: 1089-8611 | | Print Stock: (1.1997 - 5.2001 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 1089-8603 | Shelf Mark: 53.19 | Abbr.: Nitric Oxide | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 4.427 |
NMR in Biomedicine
Non-coding RNAs in Endocrinology (Open Access)
NSF-CBMS Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics
Nuclear Medicine and Biology
Formerly known as: International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B, Nuclear Medicine and Biology | Online Access: 20.1993 - 31.2004 | e-ISSN: 0969-8051 | | Abbr.: Nucl Med Biol | Publisher: Elsevier | IF: 2.408 |
Nuclear Receptor (Open Access)
Nucleic Acid Therapeutics
Formerly known as: Oligonucleotides as well as Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development as well as Antisense: Research and Development | Online Access: 1.1991 - 15.2005 Current volume not available | e-ISSN: 2159-3345 | | Print Stock: 13(4).2003 - 15.2005 | p-ISSN: 2159-3337 | Shelf Mark: 40.12 | Abbr.: Nucleic Acid Ther | Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert | IF: 5.486 |
Nucleic Acids Research (Open Access)
Online Access: 1.1974 - | e-ISSN: 1362-4962 | | Print Stock: (1.1974 - 33.2005 komplett ausgesondert) | p-ISSN: 0305-1048 | Shelf Mark: 53.59 | Abbr.: Nucleic Acids Res | Publisher: Oxford University Press | IF: 16.971 |
Nucleic Acids Symposium Series
Nutrition and Aging
Nutrition and Diabetes (Open Access)
Nutrition and Healthy Aging (Open Access)
Nutrition and Metabolism (Open Access)
Nutrition and the MD (via Ovid)
Nutrition Journal (Open Access)
Nutrition Research
Nutrition Research and Practice
Online Access: 1.2007 - | e-ISSN: 2005-6168 | | Abbr.: Nutr Res Pract | Publisher: Korean Society of Community Nutrition | IF: 1.926 |
National Licences: